HPE 2016
We are very pleased to announce the First Annual LSE Historical Political Economy Conference, to be held at the LSE on January 25th, 2016.
Our goal was to create a new London-based venue where cutting edge and innovative research on historical political economy can be presented and discussed. In particular, we aimed to bring together emerging and leading scholars from both UK and the US who work on various aspects of empirical political economy using historical data.
Conference co-ordinators:
a.e.cirone@lse.ac.uk; aec2165@columbia.edu
The Political Legacy of American Slavery
Avi Acharya, Stanford University; Matthew Blackwell, Harvard University; Maya Sen, Harvard University
From Political Mobilization to Electoral Participation: Turnout in Barcelona in the 1930s
Francesc Amat, Institute for Political Economy and Governance, IPEG Barcelona; Jordi Muñoz, Universitat de Barcelona; Carles Boix, Princeton University; Toni Rodon, Stanford University
Social Origins of Dictatorships: Elite Networks and Political Transitions in Haiti
Suresh Naidu, Columbia University; James A. Robinson, University of Chicago; Lauren E. Young, Columbia University
Cabinets, Committees and Careers in 19th century France
Ali Cirone, Columbia University and LSE; Brenda Van Coppenolle, University of Leiden
The Confessional, the International, or Loyalty? An Examination of Partisan Performance after Women's Enfranchisement
Mona Morgan-Collins, LSE; Dawn Teele, University of Pennsylvania
The Consequences of Dynastic Representation: Evidence from India
Carlos Velasco Rivera, Princeton University
Mid-Victorian Voting
Torun Dewan, LSE; Jaakko Meriläinen, Stockholm University; Janne Tukiainen, Government Institute for Economic Research VATT, Helsinki